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Problemy społeczno-ekonomiczne przy wyznaczaniu obszarów Natura 2000 w Polsce. Socio-economic problems during Natura 2000 site selection process
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Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Boćkowski M., Cent J., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A. |
Teka Kom. Ochr. Kszt. Środ. Przyr. OL PAN w Lublinie |
http://www.pan- ol.lublin.pl/wy dawnictwa/TOchr 9/Grodzinska.pd f |
Yes |
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Author(s): Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Boćkowski M., Cent J., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A.
Title: Problemy społeczno-ekonomiczne przy wyznaczaniu obszarów Natura 2000 w Polsce. Socio-economic problems during Natura 2000 site selection process download
Journal: Teka Kom. Ochr. Kszt. Środ. Przyr. OL PAN w Lublinie
Volume/Issue: 9
Pages: 64-69
Web link/DOI: http://www.pan-ol.lublin.pl/wydawnictwa/TOchr9/Grodzinska.pdf
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP4
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Variation within and between closely related species uncovers high intra-specific variability in dispersal
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Stevens, V.M., Pavoine, S., Baguette, M. |
2010 |
Plos One |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1371/jour nal.pone.001112 3 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Stevens, V.M., Pavoine, S., Baguette, M.
Year: 2010
Title: Variation within and between closely related species uncovers high intra-specific variability in dispersal download
Journal: Plos One
Volume/Issue: 5(6): e11123
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0011123
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Public Library Of Science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 05.08.2011
Uploaded by: Michel Baguette
The whereabouts of flower visitors: contrasting land-use preferences revealed by a country-wide survey based on citizen science
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Deguines N, Julliard R, De Flores M, Fontaine C. |
2012 |
http://www.plos one.org/article /info%3Adoi%2F1 0.1371%2Fjourna l.pone.0045822 |
Yes |
513.33KB |
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Author(s): Deguines N, Julliard R, De Flores M, Fontaine C.
Year: 2012
Title: The whereabouts of flower visitors: contrasting land-use preferences revealed by a country-wide survey based on citizen science download
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 7
Pages: e45822
Web link/DOI: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0045822
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Public Library of Science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Evaluating the connectivity of a protected areas' network under the prism of global change: the efficiency of the European Natura 2000 network for four birds of prey
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Mazaris A.D., Papanikolaou A.D., Barbet-Massin M., Kallimanis A.S., Jiguet F., Schmeller D.S. , Pantis J.D. |
2013 |
http://www.plos one.org/article /info%3Adoi%2F1 0.1371%2Fjourna l.pone.0059640 |
Yes |
461.84KB |
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Author(s): Mazaris A.D., Papanikolaou A.D., Barbet-Massin M., Kallimanis A.S., Jiguet F., Schmeller D.S. , Pantis J.D.
Year: 2013
Title: Evaluating the connectivity of a protected areas' network under the prism of global change: the efficiency of the European Natura 2000 network for four birds of prey download
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 8(3)
Pages: e59640
Web link/DOI: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0059640
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Public Library of Science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 31.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Combined effects of extreme climatic events and elevation on nutritional quality and herbivory rates of alpine plants
download |
Leingärtner, A., Hoiss, B., Krauss, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I. |
2014 |
PLoS One |
http://www.plos one.org/article /info%3Adoi%2F1 0.1371%2Fjourna l.pone.0093881 |
Yes |
790.52KB |
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Author(s): Leingärtner, A., Hoiss, B., Krauss, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I.
Year: 2014
Title: Combined effects of extreme climatic events and elevation on nutritional quality and herbivory rates of alpine plants download
Journal: PLoS One
Volume/Issue: 9
Pages: e93881
Web link/DOI: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0093881
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Public Library of Science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 11.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Species richness and trait composition of butterfly assemblages change along an altitudinal gradient
Leingärtner A, Krauss J, Steffan‑Dewenter I |
2014 |
Oecologia |
http://link.spr inger.com/artic le/10.1007/s004 42-014-2917-7 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Leingärtner A, Krauss J, Steffan‑Dewenter I
Year: 2014
Title: Species richness and trait composition of butterfly assemblages change along an altitudinal gradient
Journal: Oecologia
Volume/Issue: 175 (2)
Pages: 613-623
Web link/DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00442-014-2917-7
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 11.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Dos and Don’ts for butterflies of the Habitats Directive of the European Union
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van Swaay, C., Collins, S., Dušej, G., Maes, D., Munguira, M.L., Rakosy, L., Ryrholm, N., Šašić, M., Settele, J., Thomas, J., Verovnik, R., Verstrael, T., Warren, M., Wiemers, M., Wynhoff, I. |
2012 |
Nature Conservation |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.3897/natu reconservation. 1.2786 |
Yes |
24.83MB |
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Author(s): van Swaay, C., Collins, S., Dušej, G., Maes, D., Munguira, M.L., Rakosy, L., Ryrholm, N., Šašić, M., Settele, J., Thomas, J., Verovnik, R., Verstrael, T., Warren, M., Wiemers, M., Wynhoff, I.
Year: 2012
Title: Dos and Don’ts for butterflies of the Habitats Directive of the European Union download
Subtitle: Dos and Don’ts for butterflies of the Habitats Directive of the European Union
Journal: Nature Conservation
Volume/Issue: 1
Pages: 73-153
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/natureconservation.1.2786
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Pensoft Publishers
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 19.03.2012
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Nature Conservation – a new dimension in Open Access publishing bridging science and application
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Henle K., Bell S., Brotons L., Clobert J., Evans D., Goerg Ch., Grodzinska-Jurczak M., Gruber B., Haila Y., Henry P., Huth A., Julliard R., Keil P., Kleyer M., Kotze J., Kunin W., Lengyel Sz., Lin Y., Loyau A., Luck G., Magnuson W., Margules Ch., Matsinos Y., May P., Sousa-Pinto I., Possingham H., Potts S., Ring I., Pryke J., Samways M., Saunders D., Schmeller D., Simila J., Sommer S., Steffan-Dewenter I., Stoev P., Sykes M., Tóthmérész B., Yam R., Tzanopoulos J., Penev L. |
2012 |
Nature Conservation |
http://www.pens oft.net/journal s/natureconserv ation/article/3 081/abstract/ |
Yes |
983.49KB |
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Author(s): Henle K., Bell S., Brotons L., Clobert J., Evans D., Goerg Ch., Grodzinska-Jurczak M., Gruber B., Haila Y., Henry P., Huth A., Julliard R., Keil P., Kleyer M., Kotze J., Kunin W., Lengyel Sz., Lin Y., Loyau A., Luck G., Magnuson W., Margules Ch., Matsinos Y., May P., Sousa-Pinto I., Possingham H., Potts S., Ring I., Pryke J., Samways M., Saunders D., Schmeller D., Simila J., Sommer S., Steffan-Dewenter I., Stoev P., Sykes M., Tóthmérész B., Yam R., Tzanopoulos J., Penev L.
Year: 2012
Title: Nature Conservation – a new dimension in Open Access publishing bridging science and application download
Journal: Nature Conservation
Volume/Issue: 1
Pages: 1-10
Web link/DOI: http://www.pensoft.net/journals/natureconservation/article/3081/abstract/
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Pensoft Publishers
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP4
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Uncertainty in thermal tolerances and climatic debt
Devictor V., van Swaay C., Brereton T., Brotons L., Chamberlain D., Heliölä J., Herrando S., Julliard R., Kuussaari M., Lindström Å., Reif J., Roy D.B., Schweiger O., Settele J., Stefanescu C., Van Strien A., Van Turnhout C., Vermouzek Z., Wallis De Vries M., Wynhoff I., Jiguet F. |
2012 |
Nature Climate Change |
http://www.natu re.com/nclimate /journal/v2/n9/ full/nclimate16 67.html#access |
Yes |
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Author(s): Devictor V., van Swaay C., Brereton T., Brotons L., Chamberlain D., Heliölä J., Herrando S., Julliard R., Kuussaari M., Lindström Å., Reif J., Roy D.B., Schweiger O., Settele J., Stefanescu C., Van Strien A., Van Turnhout C., Vermouzek Z., Wallis De Vries M., Wynhoff I., Jiguet F.
Year: 2012
Title: Uncertainty in thermal tolerances and climatic debt
Journal: Nature Climate Change
Volume/Issue: 2
Pages: 636–637
Web link/DOI: http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/v2/n9/full/nclimate1667.html#access
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Nature Publishing Group
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Mapping functional connectivity: a landscape approach for handling multiple ecological requirements
Mimet A, Houet T, Julliard R, Simon L. |
2013 |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/20 41-210x.12024/a bstract |
Yes |
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Author(s): Mimet A, Houet T, Julliard R, Simon L.
Year: 2013
Title: Mapping functional connectivity: a landscape approach for handling multiple ecological requirements
Journal: Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Volume/Issue: 4(5)
Pages: 453–463
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/2041-210x.12024/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Blackwell Publishing
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Assessing functional connectivity: a landscape approach for handling multiple ecological requirements
Anne Mimet, Thomas Houet, Romain Julliard and Laurent Simon |
2013 |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/20 41-210x.12024/a bstract |
Yes |
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Author(s): Anne Mimet, Thomas Houet, Romain Julliard and Laurent Simon
Year: 2013
Title: Assessing functional connectivity: a landscape approach for handling multiple ecological requirements
Journal: Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Volume/Issue: 4(5)
Pages: 453–463
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/2041-210x.12024/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: British Ecological Society
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 21.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Spatial Road Disturbance Index (SPROADI) for conservation planning: a novel landscape index, demonstrated for the State of Brandenburg, Germany
Freudenberger, L., Hobson P. R., Rupic S., Pe’er G., Schluck M., Sauermann J., Kreft S., Selva N., Ibisch P. L. |
Landscape Ecology |
Yes |
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Author(s): Freudenberger, L., Hobson P. R., Rupic S., Pe’er G., Schluck M., Sauermann J., Kreft S., Selva N., Ibisch P. L.
Title: Spatial Road Disturbance Index (SPROADI) for conservation planning: a novel landscape index, demonstrated for the State of Brandenburg, Germany
Journal: Landscape Ecology
Status: In Press
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 17.04.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
The landscape matrix modifies the effect of habitat fragmentation in grassland butterflies
Öckinger, E., Bergman, K.-O., Franzén, M., Kadlec, T., Krauss, J., Kuussaari, M., Pöyry, J., Smith, H.G., Steffan-Dewenter, I. & Bommarco, R. |
2012 |
Landscape Ecology |
http://link.spr inger.com/artic le/10.1007/s109 80-011-9686-z |
Yes |
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Author(s): Öckinger, E., Bergman, K.-O., Franzén, M., Kadlec, T., Krauss, J., Kuussaari, M., Pöyry, J., Smith, H.G., Steffan-Dewenter, I. & Bommarco, R.
Year: 2012
Title: The landscape matrix modifies the effect of habitat fragmentation in grassland butterflies
Journal: Landscape Ecology
Volume/Issue: 27(1)
Pages: 121-131
Web link/DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10980-011-9686-z
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 28.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Drivers of Environmental Change within the European Natura 2000 Network: Scaling properties and Implications for Biodiversity Conservation
Scott, A.V., Mazaris, A.D., Tzanopoulos, J. and Potts, S.G. |
2014 |
Land Use Policy |
Yes |
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Author(s): Scott, A.V., Mazaris, A.D., Tzanopoulos, J. and Potts, S.G.
Year: 2014
Title: Drivers of Environmental Change within the European Natura 2000 Network: Scaling properties and Implications for Biodiversity Conservation
Journal: Land Use Policy
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Natura 2000 conservation network: Variability in the implementation of a common EU framework
Touloumis Konstantinos, Kallimanis S. Athanasios, Tzanopoulos Joseph, Apostolopoulou Evangelia*, Mazaris D. Antonios, Stefanidou Sofia, Scott Anna, Potts Simon, Pantis D. John |
2014 |
Land Use and Urban Planning |
Yes |
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Author(s): Touloumis Konstantinos, Kallimanis S. Athanasios, Tzanopoulos Joseph, Apostolopoulou Evangelia*, Mazaris D. Antonios, Stefanidou Sofia, Scott Anna, Potts Simon, Pantis D. John
Year: 2014
Title: Natura 2000 conservation network: Variability in the implementation of a common EU framework
Journal: Land Use and Urban Planning
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Grassland diversity under changing productivity and the underlying mechanisms – results of a 10-yr experiment
Liira J., Ingerpuu N., Kalamees R., Moora M., Pärtel M, Püssa K., Roosaluste E., Saar L., Tamme R., Zobel K., Zobel M. |
2012 |
Journal of Vegetation Science |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1654-1103.2012. 01409.x/abst... |
Yes |
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Author(s): Liira J., Ingerpuu N., Kalamees R., Moora M., Pärtel M, Püssa K., Roosaluste E., Saar L., Tamme R., Zobel K., Zobel M.
Year: 2012
Title: Grassland diversity under changing productivity and the underlying mechanisms – results of a 10-yr experiment
Journal: Journal of Vegetation Science
Volume/Issue: 23 (5)
Pages: 919–930
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01409.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: nternational Association for Vegetation Science
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 29.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Spatial aggregation and the species–area relationship across scales
Grillia J., Azaeleb S., Banavarc J., Maritana A. |
2012 |
Journal of Theoretical Biology |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S0022519312 003839 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Grillia J., Azaeleb S., Banavarc J., Maritana A.
Year: 2012
Title: Spatial aggregation and the species–area relationship across scales
Journal: Journal of Theoretical Biology
Volume/Issue: 313
Pages: 87–97
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022519312003839
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 31.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Mapping ecosystem service and biodiversity changes over 70 years in a rural English county
Mingkai Jiang, James M. Bullock andDanny A. P. Hooftman |
2013 |
Journal of Applied Ecology |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/13 65-2664.12093/a bstract |
Yes |
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Author(s): Mingkai Jiang, James M. Bullock andDanny A. P. Hooftman
Year: 2013
Title: Mapping ecosystem service and biodiversity changes over 70 years in a rural English county
Journal: Journal of Applied Ecology
Volume/Issue: 50(4)
Pages: 841–850
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2664.12093/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: British Ecological Society
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 20.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Factors influencing perception of protected areas – the case of Natura 2000 in Polish Carpathian communities
Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Cent J., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Szymańska M. |
2012 |
Journal for Nature Conservation |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S1617138112 000556 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Cent J., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Szymańska M.
Year: 2012
Title: Factors influencing perception of protected areas – the case of Natura 2000 in Polish Carpathian communities
Journal: Journal for Nature Conservation
Volume/Issue: 20(5)
Pages: 284–292
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1617138112000556
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP4
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Governance rescaling and the neoliberalization of nature conservation in the EU: We are not all in this together
Apostolopoulou E., Bormpoudakis D., Paloniemi R., Cent J., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Pantis JD. |
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology |
Yes |
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Author(s): Apostolopoulou E., Bormpoudakis D., Paloniemi R., Cent J., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Pantis JD.
Title: Governance rescaling and the neoliberalization of nature conservation in the EU: We are not all in this together
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Taylor & Francis Group
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
An approach to analysing scale-sensitivity and scale-effectiveness of governance in biodiversity conservation
Primmer, E., Paloniemi, R., Mathevet, R., Apostolopoulou, E., Tzanopoulos, J., Ring, I., Kettunen, M., Similä, J., Cent, J., Grodzińska-Jurczak, M., Koellner, T., Antunes, P., Pantis, J., Potts, S.G., Santos, R. |
In: Padt, F.J.G., Opdam, P.F.M., Polman, N.B.P., Termeer (2014) C.J.A.M. (red.) Scale-sensitive governance of the environment |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1002/97 81118567135.ch1 5/summary |
Yes |
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Author(s): Primmer, E., Paloniemi, R., Mathevet, R., Apostolopoulou, E., Tzanopoulos, J., Ring, I., Kettunen, M., Similä, J., Cent, J., Grodzińska-Jurczak, M., Koellner, T., Antunes, P., Pantis, J., Potts, S.G., Santos, R.
Title: An approach to analysing scale-sensitivity and scale-effectiveness of governance in biodiversity conservation
Journal: In: Padt, F.J.G., Opdam, P.F.M., Polman, N.B.P., Termeer (2014) C.J.A.M. (red.) Scale-sensitive governance of the environment
Pages: 241-262
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781118567135.ch15/summary
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Wiley-Blackwell
Folder: Book chapter
Workpackage relevance: WP4
Date of upload: 7.8.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Disentangling the effects of land use change, climate and CO2 on European habitat types
Lehsten, Veiko; Sykes, Martin; Scott, Anna; Potts, Simon; Kallimanis, Athanasios; Mazaris, Antonios; Verburg, Peter; Schulp, Catharina; Tzanopoulos, Joseph; Vogiatzakis, Ioannis |
2014 |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
Yes |
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Author(s): Lehsten, Veiko; Sykes, Martin; Scott, Anna; Potts, Simon; Kallimanis, Athanasios; Mazaris, Antonios; Verburg, Peter; Schulp, Catharina; Tzanopoulos, Joseph; Vogiatzakis, Ioannis
Year: 2014
Title: Disentangling the effects of land use change, climate and CO2 on European habitat types
Journal: Global Ecology and Biogeography
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Wiley and Sons
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Sampling and modelling rare species: Conceptual guidelines for the neglected majority
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Alienor Jeliazkov, Yoni Gavish, Charles J. Marsh, Jonas Geschke, Neil Brummitt, Duccio Rocchini, Peter Haase, William E. Kunin, Klaus Henle |
2022 |
Global Change Biology |
https://doi.org /10.1111/gcb.16 114 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Alienor Jeliazkov, Yoni Gavish, Charles J. Marsh, Jonas Geschke, Neil Brummitt, Duccio Rocchini, Peter Haase, William E. Kunin, Klaus Henle
Year: 2022
Title: Sampling and modelling rare species: Conceptual guidelines for the neglected majority download
Journal: Global Change Biology
Volume/Issue: 00
Pages: 1-14
Web link/DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16114
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Wiley
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 05.03.2022
Uploaded by: Reinhard Klenke
Public participation and environmental justice in biodiversity governance in Finland, Greece, Poland and the UK
Paloniemi R., Apostolopoulou E., Cent J., Bormpoudakis D., Scott A., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Tzanopoulos J., Koivulehto M., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Pantis J. D. |
Environmental Policy and Governance |
Yes |
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Author(s): Paloniemi R., Apostolopoulou E., Cent J., Bormpoudakis D., Scott A., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Tzanopoulos J., Koivulehto M., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Pantis J. D.
Title: Public participation and environmental justice in biodiversity governance in Finland, Greece, Poland and the UK
Journal: Environmental Policy and Governance
Status: In Press
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Wiley
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 15.10.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Conservation planning to zone protected areas under optimal landscape management for bird conservation
Lin, Y.-P., C.-W. Huang*, T.-S. Ding, Y.-C. Wang, W.-T. Hsiao, D. S., N. Crossman, S. Lengyel, D. Schmeller |
2014 |
Environmental Modelling & Software |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S1364815214 001741 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Lin, Y.-P., C.-W. Huang*, T.-S. Ding, Y.-C. Wang, W.-T. Hsiao, D. S., N. Crossman, S. Lengyel, D. Schmeller
Year: 2014
Title: Conservation planning to zone protected areas under optimal landscape management for bird conservation
Journal: Environmental Modelling & Software
Volume/Issue: 60
Pages: 121–133
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364815214001741
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 02.10.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Expansion of Nature Conservation Areas: Problems with Natura 2000 Implementation in Poland?
download |
Grodzińska-Jurczak, M., Cent, J. |
2011 |
Environmental Management |
http://dx.cross ref.org/10.1007 %2Fs00267-010-9 583-2 |
Yes |
561.11KB |
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Author(s): Grodzińska-Jurczak, M., Cent, J.
Year: 2011
Title: Expansion of Nature Conservation Areas: Problems with Natura 2000 Implementation in Poland? download
Journal: Environmental Management
Volume/Issue: 47(1)
Pages: 11-27
Web link/DOI: http://dx.crossref.org/10.1007%2Fs00267-010-9583-2
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer-Verlag
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 04.05.2012
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Mycorrhizas in the Central European flora: relationships with plant life history traits and ecology
Hempel S., Götzenberger L., Kühn I., Michalski S.G., Rillig M.C., Zobel M., Moora M. |
Ecology |
http://www.esaj ournals.org/doi /abs/10.1890/12 -1700.1 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Hempel S., Götzenberger L., Kühn I., Michalski S.G., Rillig M.C., Zobel M., Moora M.
Title: Mycorrhizas in the Central European flora: relationships with plant life history traits and ecology
Journal: Ecology
Volume/Issue: 94(6)
Pages: 1389–1399
Web link/DOI: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/12-1700.1
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Ecological Siciety of America
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 31.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Correlations in species richness between taxa depend on habitat, scale and landscape context
2013 |
Ecological Indicators |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S1470160X13 00246X |
Yes |
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Year: 2013
Title: Correlations in species richness between taxa depend on habitat, scale and landscape context
Subtitle: Johan Ekroos, Mikko Kuussaari, Juha Tiainen, Janne Heliölä, Tuomas Seimola, Juha Helenius
Journal: Ecological Indicators
Volume/Issue: 34
Pages: 528–535
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470160X1300246X
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 20.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Species’ thermal preferences affect forest bird communities along landscape and local scale habitat gradients
Barnagaud J-Y, Barbaro L, Hampe A, Jiguet F, Archaux F. |
2013 |
Ecography |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j. 1600-0587.2012. 00227.x/abst... |
Yes |
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Author(s): Barnagaud J-Y, Barbaro L, Hampe A, Jiguet F, Archaux F.
Year: 2013
Title: Species’ thermal preferences affect forest bird communities along landscape and local scale habitat gradients
Journal: Ecography
Volume/Issue: 36 (11)
Pages: 1218–1226
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-0587.2012.00227.x/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Wiley-Blackwell
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
A protocol for better design, application and communication of population viability analyses
Pe’er, G., Matsinos Y. G., Johst K., Franz K. W., Turlure C., Radchuk V., Malinowska A. H., Curtis J. M. R., Naujokaitis-Lewis I., Wintle B. A., Henle K. |
2013 |
Conservation Biology |
644-656 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Pe’er, G., Matsinos Y. G., Johst K., Franz K. W., Turlure C., Radchuk V., Malinowska A. H., Curtis J. M. R., Naujokaitis-Lewis I., Wintle B. A., Henle K.
Year: 2013
Title: A protocol for better design, application and communication of population viability analyses
Journal: Conservation Biology
Volume/Issue: 27
Web link/DOI: 644-656
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Wiley
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 29.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Use of Large-Scale Acoustic Monitoring to Assess Anthropogenic Pressures on Orthoptera Communities
Penone C., Le Viol I., PELLISSIER V., Julien J.F., Bas Y., Kerbiriou C. |
2013 |
Conservation Biology |
DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12 083
Yes |
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Author(s): Penone C., Le Viol I., PELLISSIER V., Julien J.F., Bas Y., Kerbiriou C.
Year: 2013
Title: Use of Large-Scale Acoustic Monitoring to Assess Anthropogenic Pressures on Orthoptera Communities
Subtitle: Insect Monitoring with Sound Detection
Journal: Conservation Biology
Volume/Issue: 27 (5)
Pages: 979–987
Web link/DOI: DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12083
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Society for Conservation Biology
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 3.8.2014
Uploaded by: Isabelle Leviol
Linking indices for biodiversity monitoring to extinction risk theory
download |
McCarthy, M.A., Moore, A.L., Krauss, J., Morgan, J.W., Clements, C.F. |
2014 |
Conservation Biology |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/co bi.12308/abstra ct |
Yes |
385.14KB |
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Author(s): McCarthy, M.A., Moore, A.L., Krauss, J., Morgan, J.W., Clements, C.F.
Year: 2014
Title: Linking indices for biodiversity monitoring to extinction risk theory download
Journal: Conservation Biology
Volume/Issue: 28(6)
Pages: 1575–1583
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cobi.12308/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Wiley Periodicals, Inc., on behalf of the Society for Conservation Biology
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 11.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
More and more generalists: two decades of changes in the European avifauna
download |
Le Viol I. Jiguet F., Brotons L., Herrando S., Lindström A., Pearce-Higgins J, Reif J., Van Turnhout C. & Devictor V. |
2012 |
Biology Letters |
http://rsbl.roy alsocietypublis hing.org/conten t/early/2012/07 /11/rsbl.201... |
Yes |
206.7KB |
+ more
Author(s): Le Viol I. Jiguet F., Brotons L., Herrando S., Lindström A., Pearce-Higgins J, Reif J., Van Turnhout C. & Devictor V.
Year: 2012
Title: More and more generalists: two decades of changes in the European avifauna download
Journal: Biology Letters
Volume/Issue: 8 (5)
Pages: 780-782
Web link/DOI: http://rsbl.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2012/07/11/rsbl.2012.0496.abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Royal Society Publishing
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Administrative regions in conservation: Balancing local priorities with regional to global preferences in spatial planning
Atte Moilanen, Anni Arponen |
2011 |
Biological Conservation |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S0006320711 001017 |
Yes |
+ more
Author(s): Atte Moilanen, Anni Arponen
Year: 2011
Title: Administrative regions in conservation: Balancing local priorities with regional to global preferences in spatial planning
Journal: Biological Conservation
Volume/Issue: 144(5)
Pages: 1719–1725
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320711001017
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 21.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Identifying the criteria underlying the political decision for the prioritization of the Greek Natura 2000 conservation network
Tsianou, M.A., Mazaris, A.D., Kallimanis, A.S., Deligioridi, P-S.K., Apostolopoulou, E., Pantis, J.D. |
2013 |
Biological Conservation |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S0006320713 002036 |
Yes |
+ more
Author(s): Tsianou, M.A., Mazaris, A.D., Kallimanis, A.S., Deligioridi, P-S.K., Apostolopoulou, E., Pantis, J.D.
Year: 2013
Title: Identifying the criteria underlying the political decision for the prioritization of the Greek Natura 2000 conservation network
Journal: Biological Conservation
Volume/Issue: 166
Pages: 103–110
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320713002036
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 3.8.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Minimum Area Requirements: what can we learn from the different ways to derive it, and how can we make it useful for biological conservation
G. Pe’er, M.Α. Tsianou, K.W. Franz, Y.G. Matsinos, A.D. Mazaris, D. Storch, L. K, J. Verboom, M. Baguette, V.M. Stevens, and K. Henle |
Biological Conservation |
Yes |
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Author(s): G. Pe’er, M.Α. Tsianou, K.W. Franz, Y.G. Matsinos, A.D. Mazaris, D. Storch, L. K, J. Verboom, M. Baguette, V.M. Stevens, and K. Henle
Title: Minimum Area Requirements: what can we learn from the different ways to derive it, and how can we make it useful for biological conservation
Journal: Biological Conservation
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 31.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Grazing effects on plant functional group diversity in Mediterranean shrublands
Papanikolaou, A.D., Fyllas, N.M., Mazaris, A.D., Dimitrakopoulos, P.G., Kallimanis, A.S., Pantis, J.D. |
2011 |
Biodiversity and Conservation |
http://link.spr inger.com/artic le/10.1007%2Fs1 0531-011-0112-2 |
Yes |
+ more
Author(s): Papanikolaou, A.D., Fyllas, N.M., Mazaris, A.D., Dimitrakopoulos, P.G., Kallimanis, A.S., Pantis, J.D.
Year: 2011
Title: Grazing effects on plant functional group diversity in Mediterranean shrublands
Journal: Biodiversity and Conservation
Volume/Issue: 20(12)
Pages: 2831-2843
Web link/DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10531-011-0112-2
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Springer
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 21.03.2015
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Species- and sex-specific adjustments of movement behavior to landscape heterogeneity in butterflies
download |
Turlure, C., Baguette, M., Stevens, V.M., Maes, D.
2011 |
Behavioral Ecology |
http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1093/behe co/arr077 |
Yes |
380.78KB |
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Author(s): Turlure, C., Baguette, M., Stevens, V.M., Maes, D.
Year: 2011
Title: Species- and sex-specific adjustments of movement behavior to landscape heterogeneity in butterflies download
Journal: Behavioral Ecology
Volume/Issue: 22 (5)
Pages: 967-975
Web link/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/beheco/arr077
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Oxford University Press
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 19.10.2011
Uploaded by: Reinhard Klenke
Assessing the Natura 2000 network with a common breeding birds survey
Pellissier V, Touroult J, Julliard R, Siblet J-P, Jiguet F. |
2013 |
Animal Conservation |
http://onlineli brary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/ac v.12030/abstrac t |
Yes |
+ more
Author(s): Pellissier V, Touroult J, Julliard R, Siblet J-P, Jiguet F.
Year: 2013
Title: Assessing the Natura 2000 network with a common breeding birds survey
Journal: Animal Conservation
Volume/Issue: 16 (5)
Pages: 566–574
Web link/DOI: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/acv.12030/abstract
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Wiley-Blackwell
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
French citizens monitoring ordinary birds provide tools for conservation and ecological sciences
Jiguet F., Devictor V., Julliard R., Couvet D. |
2012 |
Acta Oecologica |
http://www.scie ncedirect.com/s cience/article/ pii/S1146609X11 000762 |
Yes |
+ more
Author(s): Jiguet F., Devictor V., Julliard R., Couvet D.
Year: 2012
Title: French citizens monitoring ordinary birds provide tools for conservation and ecological sciences
Journal: Acta Oecologica
Volume/Issue: 44
Pages: 58–66
Web link/DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1146609X11000762
Status: Published
SCALES Derived: Yes
Provider: Elsevier
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP3
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
A review on spatial data integration across monitoring schemes: mapping biodiversity from multiple monitoring data sources
Sardà-Palomera F., Brotons L. |
2013 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Sardà-Palomera F., Brotons L.
Year: 2013
Title: A review on spatial data integration across monitoring schemes: mapping biodiversity from multiple monitoring data sources
Status: In Preparation
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Downscaling of supra-national heterogeneous coarse atlas data to obtain fine-grained distribution maps
Sardà-Palomera F., Brotons L. |
2013 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Sardà-Palomera F., Brotons L.
Year: 2013
Title: Downscaling of supra-national heterogeneous coarse atlas data to obtain fine-grained distribution maps
Status: In Preparation
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 30.05.2013
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Assessing Governance Structures for Green Infrastructure
Borgström, S. and Similä, J. |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Borgström, S. and Similä, J.
Year: 2014
Title: Assessing Governance Structures for Green Infrastructure
Status: In Preparation
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 11.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Spatial density-dependence in parasitoids: a meta-analysis
Gunton, R. M. & Pöyry, J. |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Gunton, R. M. & Pöyry, J.
Year: 2014
Title: Spatial density-dependence in parasitoids: a meta-analysis
Status: In Preparation
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 11.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Distributional patterns of butterflies across multiple scales: differences between declining and expanding species and the impact of species traits
Pöyry, J., Heikkinen, R. K., Heliölä, J., Kuussaari, M. & Saarinen, K. |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Pöyry, J., Heikkinen, R. K., Heliölä, J., Kuussaari, M. & Saarinen, K.
Year: 2014
Title: Distributional patterns of butterflies across multiple scales: differences between declining and expanding species and the impact of species traits
Status: In Preparation
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 12.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Multi-criterion assessment of landscapes for conservation
Richard M. Gunton, Charles J. Marsh, Sylvain Moulherat, Anne-Kathleen Malchow, Greta Bocedi, William E. Kunin |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Richard M. Gunton, Charles J. Marsh, Sylvain Moulherat, Anne-Kathleen Malchow, Greta Bocedi, William E. Kunin
Year: 2014
Title: Multi-criterion assessment of landscapes for conservation
Status: In Preparation
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP2
Date of upload: 20.08.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Nature Reserve as Social-Ecological System
Therville C., Casella-Colombeau L., Mathevet R., Bioret F. |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Therville C., Casella-Colombeau L., Mathevet R., Bioret F.
Year: 2014
Title: Nature Reserve as Social-Ecological System
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
5,900 – 5,700 before present: The years when people changed ecological rules
Šizling, A.L., Pokorný, P., Juřičková, L., Horáčková, J. Abraham, V. Šizlingová, E., Ložek, V. & Kunin, W. |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Šizling, A.L., Pokorný, P., Juřičková, L., Horáčková, J. Abraham, V. Šizlingová, E., Ložek, V. & Kunin, W.
Year: 2014
Title: 5,900 – 5,700 before present: The years when people changed ecological rules
Status: Other
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
The state of connectivity conservation in Europe: implementation gaps and recommendations
Bormpoudakis, D., Apostolopoulou, E., Paloniemi, R., Cent, J., Dimitrakopoulos, P., Grodzinska-Jurczak, M., Tsianou, M., Salomaa, A., Tzanopoulos, J. |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Bormpoudakis, D., Apostolopoulou, E., Paloniemi, R., Cent, J., Dimitrakopoulos, P., Grodzinska-Jurczak, M., Tsianou, M., Salomaa, A., Tzanopoulos, J.
Year: 2014
Title: The state of connectivity conservation in Europe: implementation gaps and recommendations
Status: In Preparation
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: WP5
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Emerging Fragmentation Hotspots in Europe over the next 40 years
Anna V. Scott, Veiko Lehsten, Joseph Tzanopoulos, Konstantinos Touloumis, Reinhard Klenke, Klaus Henle and Simon G. Potts |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Anna V. Scott, Veiko Lehsten, Joseph Tzanopoulos, Konstantinos Touloumis, Reinhard Klenke, Klaus Henle and Simon G. Potts
Year: 2014
Title: Emerging Fragmentation Hotspots in Europe over the next 40 years
Status: In Preparation
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova
Habitat Changes Across EU Borders
Scott, A.V., Potts, S.G. |
2014 |
Yes |
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Author(s): Scott, A.V., Potts, S.G.
Year: 2014
Title: Habitat Changes Across EU Borders
Status: In Preparation
SCALES Derived: Yes
Folder: Journal paper
Workpackage relevance: Coordination
Date of upload: 10.09.2014
Uploaded by: Margarita Grudova